Verandah Designs
When you begin to consider building a Verandah on your property the first item to consider is your verandah design. You will consider the design both in shape, size, materials including roofing options will be the first items on your list.
This will quickly be followed by siting (where do I want it located and what constraint’s will permits enforce, if any) and what budget are you proposing to provide. Your Verandah design invariably get’s influenced by siting and budget.
For those reasons it’s important to start the process of planning your Verandah design early so that functions of preparing plans and applying for permits and having the appropriate budget identified and financed are achieved.
The usage you propose for your Verandah can be influenced by many things For example:
(1) Weather – Melbourne weather being different to say Brisbane
(2) Types of furniture proposed
(3) Activities proposed – outdoor kitchen, pool table and bar
(4) Privacy – is what I want to do reasonably private to my adjoining properties for the usage and activities I’m proposing?
Often we find that by ensuring the correct Verandah design and location is undertaken will provide many benefits to property and the family. Ensuring Verandah design is balanced and blended into the home in texture, colour and shape plus providing the usage outcomes required will ensure sensational lifestyle and property benefits.
We at Totally Outdoors look forward to assisting all our clients with getting the best Verandah design for your property, usage and budget.
Our design consultants are experienced staff capable of providing honest and creative advice outcomes for you.
To get your FREE onsite quote in Melbourne Metro area contact us on (03) 9796 7158 during business hours or email us through the contact form.
To start your web journey to Verandah design, here are a few web sites to review pictures of some our projects to whet your appetite.